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  4. Bontenzuka Burial Mound

Shonai Town Tourist sites sightseeing

Bontenzuka Burial Mound

A recently discovered ancient burial mound

Since long ago this place has been known to the locals and called names such as Shojikizan and Kamihitozuka. It was given the name Bontenzuka Burial Mound after an excavation in 1974 revealed it to be a burial site. Estimated to be from around the 11th century, it has been designated by the town as a cultural property.

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Tourist site details

Bontenzuka Burial Mound
Bontenduka, Amarume, Shonai Town, Higashitagawa-gun, Yamagata Prefecture

Access map

The following Bontenzuka Burial Mound is also recommended.

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